Naga In Indian Iconography And Art

Naga In Indian Iconography And Art

R. K. Sharma
6750 7500 (10% off)
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Ophiolatry or serpent worship (most commonly referred to in India as naga cult) seems to have been one of the oldest and most widespread form of religion the world has ever known. The cult assumed a special significance and importance for India as in no other part of the world was it more widely distributed or developed in more varied and interesting forms. The problems associated with naga worship comprise psychological, religious, sociological, political, iconographic, art and many other aspects and each aspect offers splendid scope of research. While handling the art and iconographic aspects of naga cult in india, the present book has analyzed to show how the cult was associated with the different religious systems of ancient India and how this association is reflected in the art and iconography of the respective religious systems-both brahmanical and non brahmanical.