Exploring the Engagement and Empowernment of Women: Multidisciplinary Perspectives

Exploring the Engagement and Empowernment of Women: Multidisciplinary Perspectives

U.P. Sinha
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This book deals with multidisciplinary perspectives and describes where they meet and overlap, and where they diverge. However, as a result of the fact that disciplinary boundaries are porous, the possibilities of one dimensional approach diminish and the likelihood of presenting a cohesive and integrated framework increases. The contributions in this book strike a balance between theoretical and empirical papers on one hand and papers with more personal reflection on the other. The book focuses on political economic, legal, social and psychological dimensions besides focusing on the transformative power of girls? education and why it is now increasingly being recognized as the cornerstone of women?s empowerment. This book is extremely timely given what is happening in the across the globe regarding women empowerment. In nutshell, the book is a digest of almost all dimensions of women empowerment, economic, political, legal, educational, health and management. The message of the book is that we must treat women with dignity and honour. Our words and conduct must inspire confidence in them.