Contents: Vol. I: Preface. I. Introduction and symptoms of diseases. 1. Introduction. 2. Symptoms of diseases in plants. II. Non parasitic diseases: 3. Diseases due to deficiencies of food materials in the soil. 4. Diseases dut to excesses of soluble salts in the soil. 5. Disease due to unfavorable water relations. 6. Diseases due to improper air relations. 7. Diseases due to high temperatures. 8. Diseases due to low temperatures. 9. Diseases due to unfavorable light relations. 10. Disease due to manufacturing or industrial processes. 11. Diseases due to control practices. III. Virus and related diseases: 12. General nature of viruses and types of viroses. IV. Parasitic diseases: 19. Bacterial diseases of plants. 14. Slime molds and plant diseases. 15. The condition of a fungus in or on the substratum. 16. Diseases due to downy mildews and allies.
Vol. II: 17. Diseases due to chytrids. 18. Diseases due to black molds and allies. 19. Diseases due to leaf curls and related fungi. 20. Diseases due to cup fungi and allies. 21. Diseases due to powdery mildews and allies. 22. Diseases due to sphere fungi and allies. 23. Diseases due to imperfect fungi. 24. Disease due to smut fungi. 25. Diseases due to rust fungi. 26. Diseases due to palisade fungi and allies. 27. Parasitic seed plants and the troubles they cause. 28. Nematodes and the diseases they cause. Index.
Plant disease, an impairment of the normal state of a plant that interrupts or modifies its vital functions. All species of plants, wild and cultivated alike are subject to disease. The occurrence and prevalence of plant diseases vary from season to season, depending on the presence of the pathogen, environmental conditions and the crops and varieties grown.
The ?Manual of Plant Diseases? has been divided in to twenty-eight chapters and four sections which includes introduction and symptoms of diseases, non-Parasitic Diseases, Virus and related diseases, and Parasitic Diseases. The mode of treatment has been to select thoroughly investigated and economically important individual disease, and to describe each in detail under history, geographical distribution, symptoms and effects, aetiology, host relations and control, followed by an extensive list of references to the literature. Etiologically related diseases are noted briefly at the end of each chapter