Reiki Best Practices: Wonderful Tools of Healing for the First, Second, and Third Reiki Degree Paperback

Reiki Best Practices: Wonderful Tools of Healing for the First, Second, and Third Reiki Degree Paperback

Walter Lubeck , Frank Arjava Petter and Christine M. Grimm
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Reiki is always flowing, naturally and continuously even without us doing anything at all to help it. However with good instructions and special techniques to support the process it can flow in a more focused way. These methods are extremely helpful in working effectively with Reiki. Much of the material in this book is being either published or presented in this detail for the first time. There are techniques related to the first, second and Third degrees. With the first Reiki degree we awaken and assume responsibility for ourselves. The emphasis here is on the body and Reiki self treatment. The second Reiki degree conveys the techniques of distance healing with karmic and affirmation work showing the way. The third degree, the master degree focuses on experiencing ourselves as part of the greater whole and developing our cosmic consciousness.