The Scheduled Tribes and Their India: Politics, Identities, Policies and Work (Oxford in India Readings in Sociology and Social Anthropology)

The Scheduled Tribes and Their India: Politics, Identities, Policies and Work (Oxford in India Readings in Sociology and Social Anthropology)

Edited by Nandini Sundar
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The Oxford in India Readings in Sociology and Social Anthropology comprises a set of volumes, each on an important theme or sub-area within these disciplines. Along with authoritative introductions and sectional prefaces, each book brings together key essays that apprise readers of the current debates and developments within the area concerned, with specific reference to India. The volumes act both as introductions to sociology and social anthropology and as essential reference works for students, teachers and researchers. In India, the scheduled tribes or Adivasis are considered either as people in want of modernization or as eco-warriors. Going beyond this binary, The Scheduled Tribes and Their India outlines the debates over scheduled tribe identities and categorizations; state policies and the impact of current developmental models on the human rights, livelihood and well-being of the scheduled tribes; as well as the gamut of their own political responses. Mapping a range of predominantly sociological and anthropological writing, the essays reflect the conflicts and struggles faced by the scheduled tribes and bring out the enormity and diversity of their experience