The Bible is the primary source book for Christianity philosophy. I can be best addresses as a ‘Book of Philosophy’ that teaches us how to live. Christian Theology is religious philosophy. A theologian is therefore a Christian philosopher. True Christian philosophy supports biblical teaching and stands contradictory to the unsound teachings of the heretics and secular philosophy. Christian philosophy reveals pure Christianity to the non-Christian world. The progress of Christian philosophy in history in history can be divided into six main : (1) Early (ancient)philosophy, during first century AD to third century AD; (2) medieval philosophy, from the fourth century to the fifteenth century; (3) reformational philosophy, in the sixteenth century;(4) modern philosophy, in the seventh and eighteenth centuries; (5)postmodern philosophy, in the nineteen and twentieth centuries; and (6)contemporary philosophy in the twenty-first century. While tracing the progress of Christian philosophy in history, this book gives valuable insights into Christian philosophy.