Old Testament Theology : History, Issues, and Perspectives

Old Testament Theology : History, Issues, and Perspectives

Rev. Dr. Kondasingu Jesurathnam
1235 1300 (5% off)
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Contextually, Old Testament (OT) has always been a popular part of the Holy Bible among the common people in India. In order to avoid a lot of misconceptions on the reception and use of the OT in India, the present research makes a detailed study on the history of the discipline of the Old Testament Theology right from the Nineteenth century of the Christian era. The present volume on Old Testament Theology endeavors to present the material related to the subject matter as a comprehensive whole in order to see the entire Bible as a single plan of God's salivific activity for God's people from ancient times till today. With this understanding and motto of erasing such a reductionistic view of the Old Testament, the work is divided into three major sections: First section summarizes the historical antecedents of the discipline of the OT theology in the Nineteenth and Twentieth centuries. Second section deals with some issues in the Old Testament that cannot be easily resolved and thus require a fresh approach in every epoch so that every interpretive community will have an opportunity to look and appropriate such issues in a meaningful way. Third and fourth sections take up the themes both in historical sequence and theological manner in an integrated way. This comprehensive picture of the OT will certainly lure the interest of Historians, Theologians, Church Ministers, Christian Laity, Church Clergies, Church Libraries, Christian Colleges, Seminaries & Institutions, Researchers and Students, alike.