Christ in Multidimensional Context : An Integrated Presentation of Articles

Christ in Multidimensional Context : An Integrated Presentation of Articles

Rev. Amit Thomas.
661 695 (5% off)
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The book makes an attempt to understand Christ from different perspectives in the contemporary world. It tries to survey, both traditional as well as contemporary understanding of the subject and their relevance in the present day situation. This book is an outcome of much discussions and enormous reading. It explores the problem of religious language in theology and historical understanding of Christ as well as His contemporary view and its relevance. It calls for the theology to begin from the context and bottom not necessarily always from the transcendental level. The Author has also showcased the teaching efforts and articles written and presented at different times by the esteemed personalities of this genre. He challenges us to be more active in understanding Christ from different parameters vis a vis the changed scenario of the modern world. The Author believes that Christ needs to be brought forth as a force of liberation and be embodied in all the changed situations, where still the unjust social structures suffocate people to live and grow.