Dairy and food product processing sector improves the quality aspects through value addition which is the standard orientation for the overall improvement of efficiency and product quality. The objective of this book is provide a references sourcrs for those working with dairy and food sector, offering a comprehensive and practical account of the various important fields in this sector. The Editor has assembled a team of 37 author form the different parts of our country, representing a full range of expertise from academic, industrial, and government research backgrounds. The chapters in this book addresses the technology associated with the manufacture, packaging, quality control, storage and marketing of the major dairy and food products, focusing on those parameters that affect their performances and functionality in their systems. Topic are presented in a logical and accessible manner in order to enhance the usefulness of the volume as a references book. We hope this book on Dairy and Food Product Technology will be a valuable resource for the students; members of academia engaged in teaching and research in dairy and food technology; regulatory personal; dairy and food equipment manufactures; policy makers and technical specialists in this field.