The Role of Media in Promoting Regional Understanding in South Asia

The Role of Media in Promoting Regional Understanding in South Asia

edited by Priyanka Singh
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This book collates a wide spectrum of views across South Asia, including Myanmar, and debates the role of media in forging regional understanding and goodwill. The media`s role in South Asia is essentially conceived as state-centric, adhering to the standard templates of nationalism. This inherent tendency has, at times, cost neutral and balanced coverage of events and issues. The contributors to this volume acknowledge the potential of the media as an institution which could/should, in addition to its routine reportage, focus on regional issues of common interest and promote regional understanding. The book consists of 16 chapters attempted by scholars from all SAARC countries including Myanmar. They focus on a range of issues relating to media?ownership, impact of social media, media narrative, nationalist bias, state control, envelope-journalism, threat from non-state actors, and a host of other such issues. There is a consensus that the media has vastly enhanced its capability to mould and shape public perception and opinion with the revolution in communication technology in recent decades. They strongly endorse the view that the media should play its due role in promoting regional understanding and cooperation.