Cultural Aspects of the Life

Cultural Aspects of the Life

Dr. Kamal Shankar Srivastava
1488 1750 (15% off)
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The present work entitled, ?cultural aspects of the life? is an attempt to trace an account of the life after death, which is still a matter of unknown reality. The great conqueror of Greece, Alexander also influenced to expand his message to the whole world, that everyone had to depart empty handed. The adoption of the motifs described in present monograph is traced, with the dynamic reality of nature and divine aspects of the death, which is free from tyranny of senses and languages, apart from the concept of heaven, where there is no fear. In this present work, an effort has been made by Dr. Srivastava to trace, to discuss and to sum up the various cultural and philosophical aspects of life and death. The monograph includes the chapters of Introduction to ultimate reality, message of ?gveda, philosophy of kat?opani?ad ? retold, ?a?kara?s Advaita, Unknown realities in Indian philosophy. Doctrine of karma, life after death, Soul after death and Summing up, apart from select bibliography. Dr. Srivastava has given a lucid exposition of present delicate discussive cultural and philosophical theme of the life after death which is sure to stimulate further fascination on the present work by scholars, philosophy-readers and the general readers. The work deals in simple, lucid, elegant and exhaustive manner.