Biodiversity Traditional Knowledge and Intellectual Property Rights

Biodiversity Traditional Knowledge and Intellectual Property Rights

Reddy, S. Ram ; Surekha, M. ; Reddy, V.K.
2205 2450 (10% off)
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The present book ?Biodiversity, Traditional Knowledge and Intellectual Property Rights? elaborates principles of biodiversity right from definitions and concepts to strategies for conservation of biodiversity. It also explains the roles and functions of international organizations like CBD in biodiversity conservation. A special topic is devoted to explain magnitude of Indian biodiversity and its importance in Indian context and conservation methods. The unique feature of this book is it connects biodiversity, traditional knowledge and intellectual property rights. Different aspects of biodiversity related traditional knowledge and international initiatives undertaken to protect the rights of traditional knowledge holders are discussed. Issues and debates in the application of intellectual property rights are highlighted and alternative strategies being adopted by different countries to protect their biodiversity related traditional knowledge are described. The last chapter explains the initiatives undertaken by the Government of India to protect its rich biodiversity and traditional knowledge against biopiracy.