Pedagogy of Science Teaching

Pedagogy of Science Teaching

Dr Savita Mishra
1131 1330 (15% off)
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Access to affordable and quality education to all is a key challenge to our education system. While we have attained a reasonable level as far as access is concerned, we have a long way to go to match the quality aspect at par the international standards. We have no dearth of dedicated and knowledgeable teachers, but most often than not we lack in devising teaching standards and more so fail to put it to practice on sustainable manner for effective classroom delivery. Infact, teaching requires considerably more than delivering content knowledge to students, and that student learning is considerably more than absorbing information for later accurate regurgitation. Pedagogy here assume importance in providing appropriate teaching technique. The book deals with various facets of pedagogy of teaching science which will certainly help the teachers in their endeavour of imparting quality education to students.