New Horizons in History & Culture: Prof. Manmath Padhy Felicitation Volume

New Horizons in History & Culture: Prof. Manmath Padhy Felicitation Volume

Edited by Benudhar Patra
3952 4595 (14% off)
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The present work ?New Horizons in History and Culture?is a sincere endeavour to unravel some new aspects of history and culture. It covers a wide range of issues relating to archaeology, social transformation, women empowerment, education, literature, maritime history, epigraphy, art and architecture, culture, historical geography, economic structure, political processes, tribal studies, folklore, folk dance and folk culture, Sakti cult, the cult of Jagannath, tourism, missionary activities, Praja Mandal Movement, aspects of British Odisha etc. It brings together seminal essays contributed by eminent scholars working on different aspects of history through which they tried to explore specific areas of their interest. Articles in this volume though written from various angles and covers different aspects, collectively raise certain common issues and are based on interdiscliplinary scientific approach. The objective of this monograph is to explore and the new horizons of research in history and its allied social sciences. This volume wil