Transformation of Women at Work in Asia: An Unfinished Development Agenda

Transformation of Women at Work in Asia: An Unfinished Development Agenda

Edited by Sukti Dasgupta and Sher Singh Verick
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Based on original comparative research and extensive fieldwork, Transformation of Women at Work in Asia highlights the commonalities as well as the diverse nature of challenges that women across Asia face in gaining access to more and better jobs. Findings show that women across the continent have contributed significantly to its spectacular growth story; yet, social norms and economic factors limit their levels of participation. The book calls for a comprehensive approach to improve opportunities for women?s participation in the labour market as well as for the freedom to engage in paid employment. This will, in turn, contribute to a more inclusive growth process. It addresses important challenges faced by women workers and provides policy options for governments to promote decent work opportunities for women across social strata