The Troubled Shore: Conflict and Resistance Movement in the Wetlands of Odisha, India

The Troubled Shore: Conflict and Resistance Movement in the Wetlands of Odisha, India

Sarmistha Pattanaik
886 995 (11% off)
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The Troubled Shore: Conflict and Resistance Movement in the Wetlands of Odisha, India? is the first book of its kind dealing with the ecological, social and cultural context of water and the values associated with the wetlands of Odisha. The book analyses the language and ethics of protest of the traditional fishing communities and their resistance against the state, market and outside interest in order to sustain their livelihoods and sustaining the ecosystem of the wetlands as well. The book promises an analysis of the new profile of state, market, community and mass mobilization interrelations. It has evaluated the traditional ecological knowledge of the fisherfolk in the context of ecology and economy and has discussed the social dimensions of shrimp aquaculture and the political, ecological and economic compulsions of formulation of state policies to promote shrimp culture in the state of Odisha since the economic transition in the 1990s through its various facets