Travelling in the twenty-first century is not only about check-ins, posting selfies or writing status messages with hashtags. It is about the visiting places one may have only read about, seen in movies or heard about; it?s about standing on a landmark and feeling something; it?s about refreshing memories and making new memories.Every Mile a Memory is not only a travelogue about monuments and landscapes. It is not only about famous cities like London, Paris and Rome, but it is also about a solitary walk on a village road on English countryside, about quiet boat-ride on the Ganga and about long train journeys to nowhere. It is sipping a cup of coffee in a caf? in Barcelona and yet it is also about enjoying chai from a kulhad on some half-forgotten railway station in Indian hinterland.
As Partha Sarthi Sen Sharma travels a round the globe and his own motherland, all the events, sights, thoughts, memories and feelings form a complex kaleidoscope, which eventually crystallizes into words to give a unique perspective on places ? Britain, continental Europe, Turkey, Morocco and of course, India.