Ever since independence disarmament has been the main hallmark of India?s Foreign Policy. It is one of the most important issues in the world for it has a direct impact on the country?s ability to protect itself. However, the decision has to be made and with consensus of all the countries. All the countries have to agree and abide by the decision, only then can they live in harmony and peace, otherwise it could lead to nuclear holocaust if war breaks out.
The book examines India?s role in negotiations and its contribution on various aspects of this issue. The various nuances of disarmament ? establishment of negotiations, machinery, suspension of nuclear tests, proliferation of nuclear weapons, establishment of nuclear-free zones, reduction of nuclear and conventional weapons, international control of atomic energy and establishment of international police force ? have been studied minutely in the book. It also deals with India?s opposition to the Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT), Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), etc. Finally, various bilateral and multilateral treaties in the sphere of arms control and its reduction are discussed and specifically the controversial Indo-US Deal 2008, and its impact on India?s Disarmament Policy.