Issues and challenges in Business Management

Issues and challenges in Business Management

Edited by Prof (Dr) Anup Kumar Samantaray
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During the years since Independence, Indian organization have evolved to adopt and implement management practices adhering to global standards. Today, many Indian organizations have a dynamic presence in industrially advanced countries, Competing with the best-in-class organizations globally. For Indian Companies to sustain their competitive advantage and gain a stronger foothold in the international business scenario, it is imperative for future managers to understand the fundamentals of management clearly and imbibe the essence of Indian business practices, no matter how rational or justified. In today’s rapidly changing business environment, managing innovation effectively has become an essential requirement for staying competitive. Long-term sustainability for a business may be determined by a company’s ability to competently direct innovation resources to address a constantly changing market and economic environment. Innovation management describes the decisions, activities, and practices that move an idea to realization for the purpose of generating business value. It is managing the investment in creating new opportunities for generating customer value that are needed to sustain and grow the business or company. Generally, innovation investment focuses on the development of new products, services, or technologies. However, the types of innovation that can enhance business results go well beyond these, including changes to a company’s business model. Indentifying and making these investments successfully and repeatedly constitutes the key objective of innovation management Contents- 1. Cloud Computing Model in Health Care Industry - Dr. Bhupinder Chaudhary and Mrs. Baljit Saini 2. Benefits of Employer Brand Practices in IT Firms : A Discriminati Analysis - Mr. Nagakrishna Pusuluri and Dr. V. Tulasidas 3. Inclusion of Tribes in Comprehensive Growth : A special Reference to CSR as an Tntervention - Dr. Harish Kumar and DR. Sanjay Negijh 4. Issues and Challenges in Business Management - Dr. Shailesh N. Ransariya and Dr. Sanjay J. Bhayani 5. Role of Information Technology in the Management of Globalized Banking Sector - P. Suresh Pandian and Dr. P. Kannadas 6. A Sandy of Corporate Reporting and its Determinants - C.S. Juhi Kohli 7. Skill Assessment and Development with Reference to "Make in India" - Dr. Farzana Gulzar, Nusrat Rashid and Imtiyaz Ahmed 8. The Medical Trash - Dr. S. Tameem Sharief and Nabeel Ahmed 9. Endowing MSME in Electrical Equipment Industry to Meet International Competition - T. Thangamani, Guide: Dr. M. Kamaraj, Co-Guide: Dr. K Maran 10. Effective Customer Relationship Management through Application of Knowledge Management - Prof S.S. Bhushanam 11. e-HRM: Shaping Organization into a Technology Driven Environment - Prof. P. Srinivas Subbarao 12. Role of Banks in Financial Inclusion - Priyanka Gaur 13. Hamm Resource Development in Aviation with Special Reference to Jet Airways - Kapil Shanker Tiwari 14. The Rise of SEZs and Reverse SEZs - S.B. MOhanty 15. Indian Banking Sector: Challenges and Opportunities - Mr. Bharata Bhusan Sahoo and Dr. Artta Bandhu Jena 16. Customer Acceptance of M-commerce: An Investigation - Dr. Ajitabh Dash 17. An Empirical Study on Service Quality Dimensions and Customer Satisfaction in Telecommunication Industry - Akshaya Kumar Sahoo 18. Green Marketing in India: Challenges and Opportunities - Ms. Alaka Samantaray 19. Issues and Challenges of Financial Inclusion: India's New Thrust for Development - Dr. Amitabh Nanda and Mr. Debidutta Acharya 20. Incorporaing Technovation in Retail Supply Chain Management to Cultivate Growth Sustainability: Scope and Challenges - Amrita Pani, Mahesh Sharma and Alaka Samantray 21. Talent Retention and Employee Commitment: A Study in Select Commercial Banks, Bhubaneswar - Ms. Bidya Dash and Mr. Anil Kumar Mishra 22. Occupational Mobility and Social Adjustment in Women Entrepreneurs - Dr. Anupama Sharma 23. Investors Attitude towards Investment Avenues — An Evaluation - Dr. Ansuman Sahoo and Dr. Ch. Sudipta Kishore Nanda 24. Customer Relationship Management in Hospitality Industry - Archana Shama 25. Achieving Quality of Excellence in Indian B-Schools through Accreditation and Ranking — An Assessment - Dr. Arunava Narayan Mukherjee 26.Patient's Perceptions of the Quality of Care at a Large Teaching Hospital of Odisha - Ms. Aurolipy 27. Data Mining Applications - Dr. Bibhuti Bhusan Mishra and Dr. Manoranjan Dash 28. Greening the Business: An Integration of Sustainability Strategies with Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility - B. Mishra 29.Corporate Social Responsibility: The Panacea for Business Development - Bandana Nayak 30. Devising a Balanced Scorecard to Determine Punjab National Bank's Performance: A Case Study - Bhawna Sharma 31. Redefined Small Sized Commercial or Budget Hotels in India: Trends, Issues and Challenges - Dr. Saroj Kanta Biswal and Bikash Kumar Mishr 32. SMSE Financing by Domestic Commercial Banks and its Growth in India: An Analysis of Two Indicators - Dr. Biswajit Prasad Chhatoi 33. Green Marketing and Indian Hotel Industry - Bivas Sarkar 34. A Study on Financialization of Commodity Futures Market in India - Chinmaya Kumar Rout and Prafulla Kumar Swain 35. Study on Sectoral Financial Performances of BSE Sensex Listed Companies in India — A Critical Diagnostic Approach - D. Pradhan and Prof (Dr.) P.K. Swain 36. Sustainable Development through Green Marketing Strategies — Challenges and Opportunities in India - Mr. Debasish Sarkar and Dr. Ayasa Kanta Mohanty 37. Biomedical Waste Management: Adequacy and Awareness among Health Care Professional - Deepa M. Raju and Sujata Mohapatra 38. Rural Financial Inclusion in India: Issues and Challenges - Dharmabrata Mohapatra and Payal Agarwal 39. Transplanting Lean Philosophy into HRM: An Experiential Approach - Dr. Dolly Dolai 40. Evolution of the Concept of Corporate Social Responsibility CSR: The Indian Perspective - Sushanta Kumar Panda, Dukhabandhu Sahoo and Naresh Chandra Sahu 41. An Empirical Analysis on Sexual Harassment Experiences Faced by Bhutanese Women - Dr. Durlav Sarkar 42. Growth, Performance and Challenges of MSME Sector in Odisha - Dr. Duryodhan Jena 43. Marketing at the Bottom of the Pyramid - Dr. Farzana Gulzar, Samiya Gul and Aiman Fayaz 44. Business Resiliency - Jose G. Vargas-Hernandez and Rebeca Almanza Jimenez 45. Quality of Financial Reporting and Investor Protection: A Theoretical Framework - Ganesh Prasad Panda and Roji Kanungo 46. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the Evolution of Corporate Environmental Responsibility (CER) - Himanshu Sekhar Nayak 47. Managing Faculty Talent in Professional Institutions of Learning - Dr. Jyoti Ranajn Mohanty 48. Mobile Commerce: A Critical Analysis - Jibitesh Mishra 49. CRM: A Modem Approach for Competitive Advantage - Prof. Jyoti Ranjan Pati and Prof. Monalisa Chatterjee 50. Talent Management Strategies in Indian Industries: The Way of HR for Corporate Sustainability - Dr. K. Palani 51. Analysis of Enablers of Sustainable Supply Chain Management of Indian Thermal Power Plants - Jitendra Narayan Biswal, Kamalakanta Muduli and Suchismita Satapathy 52. Bottom-of Pyramid Marketing: The Panacea for Marketers in Rural India - Dr. Kisholoy Roy 53. Emerging Employee Training and Development Systems in Power Sector Industries in Odisha: A Corporate Mantra for 21st Century - Lambodar Pradhan and Dr. K Palani 54. E-marketing: Searching, Shopping and Connecting - Dr. M.C. Tripathy 55. Management of Land in Indian States - M. Chakraborty 56. Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Indian State of "Odisha" - Madhuchhanda Behera, Siddhartha Sankar Dash and Ayasa Kant Mohanty 57.Impact of Employee Cadre on their Attitude: A Comparative Study between Manufacturing and Service Organisations - Madhusmita Dash 58. Prediction of Earning Behaviour from Financial Reporting: A Case Study of Reliance Communication - Dr. Tushar Kant Pany and Malaya Ranjan Mohapatra 59. Cloud Computing in Healthcare Delivery: Issues and Challenges - Dr. Manoranjan Dash and Narayan Ranjan Chakraborty 60. Trade Union Leadership: A Study in Odisha - Minati Das and Dr. Madhuchhanda Mohanty 61. Factors Defining Stress and its Management in Water Resources Department: An Empirical Study - Mr. Ashok Kumar Mishra 62. Factors Defming Investors' Perception towards Equity and Mutual Funds: An Empirical Investigation - Mrs. Krishna Kavitha Acharya 63. Role of Foreign Direct Investment (HA) in India - Dr. Namrata Goyal 64. An Analysis of Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Comparative Study in Odisha - Dr. Nargis Begum and Dr. Bimal Kumar Choudhury 65. The Impact of Organisational Culture on Managing Talents in Organisations - Nazneen Begum and Ayasa Kanta Mohanty 66. Sustainable Waste Management in Hospitality Management - Neelima Gaur 67. The Role of Capital Market in Indian Financial System - Nihar Ranjan Swain and Dr. Prasanna Kumar Das 68. Service Quality of Nationalized Banks: A SERVQUAL Approach - Dr. Pallabi Mishra 69. Compensation Management in Indian Industries: The Role of Human Resource - A Paradigm Shift for Organizational Survivability - Parshuram Manda and Dr. K Palani 70. Mahatma Gandhi - A Leader in Action - Parthasarathi Pattnayak and Sanghamitra Pattnaik 71. Empowering Women Entrepreneurs - The Role of Banks - T. Sridevi and Pragyan Parimita Sarangi 72. Corporate Social Responsibility - Beyond Statutory Obligation - Ms. Preeti S. Desai, Students: Sonal Jain, Shweta Khyadi, Poornima Sugate, Priyanka Hiremath, Smitha Kabadgi 73. Thinking beyond CRM through Adaptive Marketing - Prof. Subrat Swain 74. Factors Influencing to Select Mutual Fund as Systematic Investodent Plan: Modelling Approach - Rajesh Trivedi 75. Emerging Dimensions of E-commerce: A Case Study on the Students of Utkal University - Ranjeeta Nayak 76. Profitability Analysis of Regional Rural Bank: The Effect of Amalgamation - Dr. (Mrs.) Ranjita Nayak 77. MAC Protocol for Collision Avoidance in Underwater Sensor Networks - Dr. Rasmi Ranjan Patra 78. HR Quality Enhancements by Using ERP Self-service Module: A Study of OMC - Ratikanta Biswal and Prof. (Dr.) Sanjay Kumar Satapathy 79. Attaining Customer Loyalty through Customer Relationship Marketing - An Assessment from Indian Mobile Telecommunication Industry. Sabyasachi Dey and Dr. Sathya Swaroop Debasish 80. Police and Unrestricted Meddling on Decision Making - Dr. S.K. Nagarajan 81. Leadership Sahansha Hayat Ali Khan 82. Logistics in E-retailing: A Case Study on Flipkart - Sakti Ranjan Dash and Jagan Kumar Sur 83. Talent Management in 21st Century: Issues and Challenges - Samriddha Chatterjie and Dr. Dolly Dolai 84. Impact of Accounting Information on Stock Price: A Study of Indian Banking Sector - Sangram Keshari Panda 85. Customers' Perception of LIC Products: A Study on Balasore District of Odisha - Sanjeeb Kumar Dey 86. Evangelism Marketing Dr. Sanjit Kumar Dash 87. Corporate Restructuring and Firm Performance - Santanu Kumar Rath 88. Challenges for HRM to Build Skill Based Talent Management in the Modem Business EnvironmentMr. Shyamasundar Tripathy 89. Value Chain Management in High Value Agri-commodities for Small Holding Fanners in India - Dr. Samarendra Mahapatra 90. Neuromarketing: The Art and Science of Appealing to Customer Neurons - Sourabh Bhattacharya and Bibhuti Bhusan Mishra 91. Customer Relationship Management in Store Based Retailing - Benefits and Challenges - Subhasish Das 92. Enablers of Health Care Waste Management: A Review of Literature - Suchimsita Swain, Kamalakanta Muduli and Tushar Kanti Panda 93. CSR - New Heights of Initiative - Mr. Sudam Charan Basa and Dr. Madhuchhanda Mohanty 94. Innovation in the Pharmaceutical Marketing: A Case Study of Personalized Medicine - Jyotiranjan Das and Sudhanshu Sekhar Rout 95. Venture Capital in India: A Perfect Approach for an Entrepreneur - Sudhansu Sekhar Nanda 96. Challenges and Opportunities of Green Accounting in Indian Companies - Ms. Sushree Sandipta Rout and Ms. Puja Mohanty 97. Assessment of Behavioural Competency of Executives in Power Sector - Swetalina Mishra 98. Retail Marketing in India: An Introspection - Dr. Tushar Kanta Pany 99. Effect of Sales Promotion on Consumer Buying Behaviour in Purchasing White Goods - Dr. Uma Sankar Mishra 100. Farmers' Perception and Awareness about Crop Insurance in Odisha: A Case Study of Keonjhar District - Yayati Nayak 101. Banking in India - Present Status and Preparedness for Challenge under the Era of Globalization - Dr. Yogendra Nath Mann and Mr. Kavindra Nath Mann