Recent Practices in Conventional and Non-conventional Energy Resources
Dr. V.V. Karjinni and Uday C. Kapale et al
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Human nature is to not respect what one gets free. The mother earth has given us everything we require for our sustenance. But the human race took everything for granted, and did not pay much attention to the ‘Natural Resources.’ In fact, abused them for personal greed.
‘Global Warming’ is the talk of even the common man. Time has come for us to take stock of this situation and look at means and practices to conserve and better, the energy resources. This book aims to address this of conventional and non-conventional energy resource.
Contents :
1. Advancement in Energy Trends in Human Comfort and Refrigeration - P.M. Deshapande and N.S. Mane
2. Direct Current Victor Control Method for Light HVDC System by Using 12 Pulse Converter - H.M. Mallad and Y.R. Atre
3. Effect of Iron Oxide Nan particles Fuel Additive on the Performance and Emission Characteristics of Compression Ignition Engine - Ranaware Abhijit Ashokrao and Jagtap T.R.
4. Biomass – Efficient Non-conventional Energy Resources for Rural Development - Dr. R.T. Jadhav and Dr. Narve N.G.
5. Heat Transfer Enhancement by Using Dimpled Surface - Hemant C. Pisal and Avinash A. Ranaware
6. Transition from Once-through to Closed-cycle Cooling System as a Retrofit Technology – A Case Study - Sandip B. Kamble and Rohan M. Desai
7. Performance Evaluation of Absorbers and Modified Parabolic through Collector (PTC) System for Solar Thermal Application using Black Copper tube - S.S. Patil and N.N. Shinde
8. Properties of Karanj Oil and Its Blends with Diesel as a Fuel for CI Engines - S.B. Deshmukh and S.J. Lavate
9. Recent Practices in Conventional Energy Resources - A.D. Gaikwad and N.A. Kumbhar
10. Recent Practices in IC Engine using Hydrogen as Energy Source - D.G. Bhosale and S.P. Jadhav
11. Techno-economics Analysis of High Altitude Wind Turbine (HWAT): Case Study of Magenn Air Rotor System (MARS) - P.R. Patil and N.S. Demanna
12. Review of Permanent Magnet Generator Based Wind Energy Conversion System with MPPT - Kiran D. Narale and Pravin S. Bhosale
13. Use of Organic Waste for Electricity Generation as Renewable Bio-energy in Mumbai Corporation Area - Shweta M. Sawakhande and Deepali S. Bhosale
14. Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Cerium Oxide on Jatropha Oil Methyl Ester in diesel Engine - Ananta S. Bombatkar and Dr. Sanjay M. khosale
15. The Techno-economic Analysis of Battery Operated Vehicle - Dr. Mahajan Sharad R. and Kale Tushar Y.
16. Tube Setter- Sustainable Option to Capacity and Quality Enhancement of Existing Clarifiers - Manoj Hirji Mata and Shashiraj S. Chougule
17. Oceans as a non-conventional Source of Energy - Nitish M. Patil and V.G. Khurd
18. New Energy Technology for Compressed Air - A Case Study - S.M. Shaikh and P.P.Malage
19. Synthesis and Characterization of Nio-SDC Nano-powder by Glycine-nitrate Combustion Synthesis for Its Potential Application as an Anode for IT-SOFC - B.B. PAtil and S. Basu
20. Voltage Control Strategies for Standalong Induction Generator - P.D. More
21. 3P (Printted Paper Photovoltaic) Technology - S. P. Nangare and Suraj S. Utture
22. Advanced Algorithm for Maximum Power Point Tracking Control of Photovoltaic System - S. D. Thane and Sangita M. Mane
23. Design and Development of Solar Assisted Bicycle - Ajit B. Bachche and N.S. Hanamapure
24. Recent Practices in Solar Energy Using ZnS and ZnO - Savant M.B. and Rade S.D
25. Solar Power Satellites and Microwave Microwave Wireless Power Transmission Technology - S.H. Shete and S.G. Satavekar
26. Eco-friendly Solar Energy Operated Electronics Laboratory - N.B. Naik and S.G. SAtavekar
27. Solar Powered Intermittent Vapour Absorption Refrigeration Units - Avinash M. Patil, Narayan V. Hargude and H.M. Dange
28. The Potential of Solar Chimney for Application in Rural Areas of Developing Countries - Prashant H. Patil and Suresh S. Patil
29. Design of Single Effect Solar Powered Vapour Absorption Air-conditioning System - S.S. Mali and M.M. Wagh
30. Advanced Applications of Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) Energy Respective of Photovoltaic System - Prashant M. Patil and Prajakta S. Shedashale
31. Recent Practices in Solar Energy - A.K. Patil and Bhakti Mokashi
32. Solar Nanotrees – A Key of Fuel Production - N.S. Demanna, Prajakta R. Patil and Harshwardhan C. pandit
33. Advantages of Nuclear Power Plants - Achyut S. Raut and Vaibhav K. Dongare
34. Advantages of Nuclear Power Plants - Nilesh Subhash Desai and nilesh V. Sabnis
35. Implementation of Pollution Acts (Ganga and Implementation of Pollution act) - Vijay G. Vasagade and Shailendra V. Dhanal
36. Environment Impact of Foundries and Health Related Issues - Harshwaardhan C. Pandit and Rrajakta R. Patil
37. Power generation from Bicycle with CC/CV Controlled Charge System - Swapnil V. Vanmore and Vinod V. Vanmore
38. Recent Practices in Non-conventional Energy Resource Development of Non-conventional Energy Source - Sutar Umesh P. and Ingale S.M.
39. Design Aspects of Wind Blades for Efficient Power Generation - Rudresh B. Magadum and Raju B. Kumbara
40. Green Hospital Building - Katkar A.A. and Koli G.C.
41. Production, Analysis and Testing of Blends of Chicken Fat Based Biodiesel Using Single Cylinder Diesel Engine - Jagadale S.S.
42. Performance Analysis of Madhuca Indica (Mahun) Oil in Variable Compression Ignition Engine - M.R. Buchade
43. Salt Gradient solar Pond – A Perspective for Rural Development - S.P. Shekhawat, Dr. N.V. Halegowda and Dr. Mujahid Husain
44. Study on Small-scale Biomass Gasification for Power Generation in Rural Area - P.J. Sawant and A.P. Dhawan
45. Role of Biogas in Rural Development - Sagar A. Mogane and Pramod S. Ladgaonkar
46. Non-conventional Energy Resource – Rural Development - S.J. Patil
47. Solid Waste: Energy Options and Opportunities - Heramb K. Magdum and Sushma H. Magdum
48. Power Generation using OTEC (Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion) - Gayatri Katre-Kulkarni
49. MPPT Based Charge Controller for Off-grid Small Wing Machine - Priyanka P. Alawekar, U.L. Bombale and N.N. Shinde
50. Energy Combination in Concept Cat (Hybrid Car) - A.T. Bhosale and M.A. Patil
51. Design of Hybrid Power Generation using Solar PV Module and Wind Turbine - Rudresh B. Magadum and Shobha S. kumbar
52. A Case Study on Wind Farm - Bhakti G. Mokashi and S.S Kumbar
53. A Role of PAFC in Power Generation - Rudresh B. Magadum and Shobha S. Kumbar
54. Application of Non-conventional Energy Resource for Rural Development in India - A.K. Patil and S.M. Ingale
55. A Review – Indian Strategy for Non-Conventional Energy Programs - Rahul D. Belekar and Vaibhav K. Dongare
56. Compersation of Voltage Sag/Swell and harmonics by Dynamic Voltage Restorer - Anand B. Kumbhar
57. Marine Energy Cost Competitiveness and Growth of Wave and Tidal Stream Energy - Ravi Maharudrappa Kumbhar
58. Scope and Development of non-conventional and Renewable Energy Sources - Sujit S. Patil and S.M. Sawakhande
59. Indian Strategy for Non-conventional Energy Programs - Mane S.M. and Shedashale P.A.
60. Non-conventional Energy Economy of SI Engine - Praveenkumar Kanti and Vidyanand Kesti
61. An Energy Audit of Pharmaceutical Industry – A Case Study - Abhijit A. Patil and D. Uday C. Kapale
62. Energy Saving in Manufacturing Industry - Shailendra V. Dhanal and Vijay G. Vasagade
63. Recent Advanced in Energy Audit - R.B. Patil
64. Theoretical Analysis of Energy Utilization Measures through Energy Audit in Sagar industry Power Plant - R.S. Kulkarni and S.P. Nangare P.
65. Advanced Energy Auditing and Conservation in industry - Patil P.M. and Sutar Umesh P.
66. Recent Advantage in energy Audit - Vijay V. Doijad and Sagar A. Mogane
67. Role of Energy Management and Audit - G.M. Ghulaxe and N.S. Morey
68. Energy Analysis of Non-conventional Energy in Rural Development - S.R. Deshmukh