Doubling Farmers Income Through Horticulture

Doubling Farmers Income Through Horticulture

K. L. Chadha et. al.
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This book is a compendium of 108 lead papers presented by R&D workers from various national and international institutions including industry during the four day 7th Indian Horticulture Congress-2016 held from November 15-18, 2016 by the Horticultural Society of India, New Delhi to commemorate its Diamond Jubilee. The book analyses the contribution which various strategies can make to doubling of farmers income by 2022 as envisioned by the Prime Minister of India. Contribution cover role of improved varieties, technologies, input management, disease and pest management, mechanization, quality improvement, post-harvest management, value-addition, marketing and trade, skill development and policy interventions and frontier technologies in different horticultural crops. It is hoped that the book will be of interest to all interested in technology-led Horticulture development and benefit the researchers, students, teachers, development workers, policy makers, and all amateurs and professional.