The present book is an attempt to delineate 'The Status of Women in the Epics'. Many scholars have thrown light on the position of women in the Vedic, Buddhist and later periods of ancient Indian history and have also made a study of their status in the legal literature of the times. Only few attempt mainly deals with sexual life in Epics. In this book the original sources drawn upon are the two great Epics, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. The secondary sources are commentaries, translations and dissertations written on these works.
In tracing the status of women in the Epics, the author has strictly endeavoured to draw conclusions from the evidences gathered from these two great Epics. The very nature of Epic literature is dealt with in detail in the introduction, pre-Vedic and Vedic traditions provide the social background of the Epic Society. The characters of the Epics, particularly those of the Mahabharata belong to the Brahmanas and Upanisads period. The customs traced in the narrative parts of the Epics are those found in Sutras. The author has attempted to collect, collate and scrutinise parallel evidences of customs and conditions from the above mentioned literature on the one hand and the Epics on the other.