Recent Trends In Computer Science & Applications and Computational Mathematics

Recent Trends In Computer Science & Applications and Computational Mathematics

Edited by Prof Janardan Pawar and Sarika Thakare et al
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The collection of Research Articles on "Recent Trends in Computer Science & Applications and Computational Mathematics". A technical academic paper will typically include five main sections : Introducton, Research and Literature Review, Experimental Investigations, Results and Conclusions. Needless to say, it takes a lot of dedication and hardwork to investigate and prepare the research papers that adds to the existing knowledge-base in their respective field of expertise. Hearty congratulations to all the research scholars who have presented their papers in this event. National Conferences of this kind enables the getting together of the experts in the chosen field from across Indian Universities / institutions to share ideas and constructively move forward. Contents - Section I : Computer Science and Applications 1. An Eco-friendly Developing Tool : Green Computing -- Anwar Yunus Khan 2. Impact of BPO on the Culture of Pune City -- Prof. Swagata Som, Neel Dasgupta 3. Green Computing - Issues with CRT and Ways to Minimize Power Consumption -- Prof. Tejashri phalke, Mr. Abhishek Sampath 4. A Study on Awareness about Information Security amongst Management and Computer Science Faculties -- Prof. Vishal Verma, Prof. Sumit Sasane, Ankush Prasad 5. A Comparative Study of Routing Protocols of Ad-hoc Network -- Prof. Jyotsna Pandey, Mr. Pritam Sarkar 6. Comparative Study of Different Models of Software Development -- Shubhangi Chavan, Naresh Mandumle 7. A Research on RFID Security and Privacy Issues -- Vijay Daulatrao More, Prashant Ashok Dhake, Sanjeev Kumar 8. Analysis of Shortest Path Algorithm to Design Active Networks : Indira Group of Institutes -- Mrs. Pooja Srivastava, Mr. Vivek Ganmukhi, Prashant Kumbhar, Priyanka Sharma 9. Electrical Circuit Analysis and Simulation using Technical Computing Tool -- Mrs. Jyoti N. Shrote 10. Study of Various Edge Detection Operator for Image Enhancement -- Manisha Patil, Essak Inamdar, Pranay Tamhane 11. Implementation of Cloud Computing on Pune University Website -- Prof. Ashish Dhoke, Prof. Nadaf Ashapak, Nilay Verma, Gaurav Sharma 12. Applications and Technologies of Internet of Things -- Ms. Vaishali Dhokechawle, Mrs. Ujwala Kolte, Mrs. Anagha Chinchwadkars 13. Network Secutity : Attacks and Defences -- Mrs. Smita Kadam, Mrs. Sarika Sawant 14. Resource Sharing, Networking and Library Cooperation in Indira Group of Institutes, Pune -- Ms. Shilpa Shantaram Pawar 15. An Overview of Association Rule using Market Basket Analysis -- Mr. Deven Mahajan, Mrs. Shital Pashankar, Mrs. Priya Nikam 16. Study of Software-as-a-Service and Its Issues and Challenges in Cloud Environment -- Mahendra Suryavanshi, Vijaya R. Kumbhar, Dr. Ajay Kumar 17. Implementation of E-voting System : Challenges -- Dr. Janardan A. Pawar, Prod. Shivendu Bhshan, Prof. Mohesh P. Jagtap, Prof. Ashvini Shende 18. Eco-friendly E-waste Management -- Mrs. Kanchan Datar, Ms. Vaibhavi Pradhan 19. Role of ICT in Higher Education for Knowledge Acquisition -- Mrs. Kavita Dhakad 20. Comparative Study of Various Skin Detection Algorithm -- Amruta Chandrakant Jadhav, Prachi Yashwant Sakhare 21. Make in India -- Abhijit Katariya, Aniket Jarad, Rahul Oulkar 22. Image Enhancement using Spatial Differentiation -- Sagar Rathode, Kunal Waghere 23. Cloud Based Servieces to Enhance Academic Stakeholder's Experience -- Arun Shivaji Dalvi, Aditi Shashank Chikhalikar Section II : Computational Mathematics 24. On Construction and Applications of P(m,q), m > 2 AND q = pn in Design Theory -- Prof. Deepa Krishnamurthi 25. Projections in *-Ring -- More S.s. 26. Mean Response Time for Queuing System -- Suresh B. Pathare, Sarika Y. Thakare, Nirmala J. Guldagad 27. A Study on Mucus Transport in Human Lungs using Two Layer Mathematical Model -- Mrs. Pooja Srivastava, Mr. Shantilal Tukaram Ghalme, Mr. Mahesh Jagtap 28. Study of Phase Transition and Diffusion Equation in Lithium-Ion Batteries at Initial Condition, Boundary Condition and their Mathematical Formulation -- S.S. Dhamone 29. Model for Testing of a Student's Natural Interest by Using Graph Theory and Fuzzy Logic -- Prof. Rajeev G. Sapre