Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Dr P.K. Ghosh and Dr M. B. Ghorpade
4842 5380 (10% off)
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The book in its subject matter and volume reflects the tremendous worldwide development in this discipline over the last two decades. It comprehensively covers the latest advances as well. It begins with the essential aspects of Indian environment to help the readers to better appreciate the various issues and problems in the area in Indian context. The book throughout incorporates both the conceptual/research as well as professional/applied aspects of the subject matters. In its design, treatment and Presentation of the issues the authors bring with them the vast and rich teaching, industrial training, management development, research, business, consultancy and administrative experience. Thus it makes itself directly useful to students, teachers, researchers, professional psychologists, consultants, and managers in business and industry. Contents - PART I- Industrial Psychology 1. The Indian Environmental Context of Industrial and Organizational Psychology 2. Introduction to Industrial Psychology 3. Job-related Behavior and its Measurement 4. Personnel Evaluation and Assessment 5. Personnel Selection: General Considerations 6. Application Blanks, Interviews and Other Techniques of Personnel Selection 7. Measurement of Human Abilities, Personality and Interests 8. Training in Industry 9. Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction 10. Leadership in Organizations PART 2- Organizational Psychology 11. Introduction to Organizational Behavior 12. Performance and its Appraisal 13. Stress in Industrial Organizations 14. Communication in Organization 15. Decision-making in Organizations 16. Organizational Design 17. Organizational Development (OD)