Academic Achievement In Relation To Classroom Environment Of Rural and Urban Students
Gouri Sharma
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Achievement is one of the main factors in assessing the quality of education in a society. Identifying the factors that affect students' learning and, thus, achievement continues to be an important objective of study of educators of different countries. The classroom environment has a big influence on student outcomes and plays an important role in improving the efficiency of learning in all levels of classrooms. Students learn better when they perceive their classroom environment positively, Understanding how to establish and maintain a positive classroom climate is seen as basic to improving schools. How can we organize the environment in the school and classroom so that such interactions support and enhance both teaching and learning, and where children feel safe, happy and wanted, and which teachers find meaningful and professionally satisfying?
Often classrooms are overcrowded, with no alternative spaces to learn, nor are they attractive, inviting or sensitive towards children's needs. Keeping in view the importance of classroom environment in relation to academic achievement of the rural and urban students, the present study aimed to investigate the relationship between classroom environment along with its various dimensions, locale and sex with academic achievement. This study will also be an essential resource tool for scholars engaged in classroom research.