Commonwealth Literature: An Anthology of Mosaic Themes

Commonwealth Literature: An Anthology of Mosaic Themes

Adi Ramesh Babu
1116 1395 (20% off)
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Commonwealth Literature came alive in African and Asian Nations with retrospective tendency to make an assay of the circumstances that were at the time. Its rampansity is crystal clear in destruction of societal discomfiture and age old aggravations and, to reconstruct it on humanistic base. Its propensity is also found in building futuristic egalitarian society. Writers from Commonwealth Literature are imbued in dealing with problems and latest burning issues of present day society. They are ever attentive to cover manifold themes in their works. The present book covers feministic approaches, sexual violence, seduction and molestation, quest for self identity, collision among exploited women, caste politics, Dalit women, pre and post-colonial feminist perspective, colonialism, lesbianism, women marginalisation and social assault, women and environment, migration, culture and tradition, patriotism, domestic problems, male domination, cultural clash, intra-racial and extra racial conflicts, globalization, civilization, Bhakti, language bias, and cinema from the novels of Canadian, African and Indian writers such as Coetzee, Chinua Achebe, Ngugi wa Thiong’o, George Ryga, Emily Pauline Johnson, Bessie Head, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Emma Donoghue, Flora Nwapa, Alice Walker, W.E.B. Du Bois, Anita Desai, Aravind Adiga, Anita Nair, Githa Hariharan, Kamala Das, Kishalay Bhattacharjee, Nissim Ezekiel, R.K.Narayan, Vikram Seth, Kiran Desai, Manju Kapur, Pramod K Nayar, Sivakami and Bama. The book mainly focuses on mosaic themes and different aspects from Indian English and African-Caribbean writings. It comprises forty research papers on the writings of the authors mentioned above.