India Education Report: Progress of Basic Education

India Education Report: Progress of Basic Education

Edited by R. Govinda and Mona Sedwal
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With the 86th amendment to the Constitution in 2002, India created a new vision and framework for providing elementary education for all children as a fundamental right. This was fortified with the adoption of the Right to Education of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act in 2009. The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), launched in 2000, offered the operational arrangement for realizing this goal. Tracing the country’s progress in elementary education, India Education Report presents an exhaustive analysis of the subject highlighting achievements and issues that remain unresolved. The volume contains scholarly reviews on carefully chosen themes ranging from pre-school education to adult education and examines governance and financing of education as public provision. Quality, including teachers and their professional development and education of the marginalized form the core concerns that run through all the thematic reviews. State-specific case studies in the report illustrate successful strategies as well as multiplicity of problems of implementation from a holistic perspective. Presenting a comprehensive view of the obstacles to and development of primary education in India, the report evaluates the ongoing policy initiatives and programmes in this field.