Orientalism in English Literature: Perception of Islam and Muslims Hardbound

Orientalism in English Literature: Perception of Islam and Muslims Hardbound

Abdur Raheem Kidwai
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Orientalism in English Literature: Perception of lslam and Muslimsis a study on Literary Orientalism that inspects and discusses the image of Muslims and lslam in English Literature through history. It identifies and examines the imperialistic as well as the positive pluralistic perspectives of lslam by the Western world. In his several articles and notes, Abdur Raheem Kidwai has studied perspectives from the age of Southey and Byron to the contemporary writings of Balwant Gargi and Qaisra Shahraz. Orientalism in English Literature: Perception of Islam and Muslimsis a collection of articles, notes and book reviews on Literary Orientalism - a new, emerging subfield of English studies. Literary Orientalism, covering the tropes of Imagology, representation and cross-cultural encounter, stands for the depiction of Islam and Muslims in English literary texts down the ages. Among the practitioners of Literary Orientalism are such outstanding men of letters as Chaucer, Marlowe, Shakespeare, Milton, Beckford, Dryden, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, Byron, Moore, Scott, Browning, Arnold, Tennyson, Carlyle, Kipling, Forster, Conrad, Joyce, Eliot, Yeats, and Lessing. This Volume analyzes various facets of Literary Orientalism, including book reviews on the latest publications in the field. Contents: Dedication • Preface • Acknowledgments Section One Articles and Notes Chapter 1: Perceptions of Islam and Muslims in English Literature: A Historical Survey Chapter 2: ‘Too wide apart our faith has been’: William Wordsworth’s Orientalism Chapter 3: ‘Samples of the Finest Orientalism:’ Image of the Orient in Lord Byron’s ‘Turkish Tales’ Chapter 4: Oriental Heroines in Lord Byron’s ‘Turkish Tales’ Chapter 5: A ‘Gorgeous Fabric’: Authentic Images of India and the Orient in the Works of British Romantic Women Poets Chapter 6: Pulp Fiction or Hate Literature Chapter 7: (Mis) Representation of the Other: Islam/Muslims in English Literary Studies Chapter 8: Recontextualization of Muslim Society and Modernity in Qaisra Shahraz’s The Holy Woman Chapter 9: The Challenging Gaze: Islam/Muslims in Today’s Globalized World in Qaisra Shahraz’s Revolt Chapter 10: Imagining another Pakistan - Muqaddastan: Perception of Muslims in Balwant Gargi’s Purple Moonlight Chapter 11: (Un)veiling (Dis)honour: Image of Muslim Woman in Indian Writings in English Chapter 12: The Outline of Coleridge’s and Southey’s ‘Mohammed’ Chapter 13: A Bibliography of Southey’s Oriental Reading Chapter 14: Byron’s Allusion to Zuleika: A Note Chapter 15: Byron’s The Tale of Calil Chapter 16: A Bibliography of Byron’s Oriental Reading Chapter 17: A Bibliography of Moore’s Oriental Reading Chapter 18: Leigh Hunt’s ‘Abraham and the Fire-Worshipper’ : A Possible Source Chapter 19: The Burning Heart in Poe’s ‘Al Aaraaf: Another Possible Source Section Two • Book Reviews Chapter 20: Lady Mary Wortley Montagu: The Turkish Embassy Letters - Edited by Malcolm Jack, with an introduction by Anita Desai Chapter 21: Islam and Romantic Orientalism: Literary Encounters with the Orient - By Mohammed Sharafuddin Chapter 22: British Romantic Writers and the East: Anxieties of Empire - By Nigel Leask Chapter 23: English and Islam: Creative Encounters 96 - Edited by Jalal Uddin Khan and Adrian E. Hare Chapter 24: The Sultan’s Court: European Fantasies of the East - By Alain Grosrichard and translated by Liz Heron Chapter 25: Western Representations of the Muslim Woman: From Termagant to Odalisque - By Mohja Kahf Chapter 26: Images of Turkey in Western Literature - By Kamil Aydin Chapter 27: A Compendium of Eastern Elements in Byron’s Oriental Tales - By Naji B.N. Oueijan Chapter 28: Image and Representation: Stories of Muslim Lives in India - Edited by Mushirul Hasan and M. Asaduddin Chapter 29: Unfolding the Orient - Edited by Paul and Janet Starkey Chapter 30: Interpreting the Orient - Edited by Paul and Janet Starkey Chapter 31: Arabian Mirrors and Western Soothsayers: Nineteenth Century Literary Approaches to Arab-Islamic History - By Muhammad A. Al-Dami Chapter 32: Robert Southey: Poetical Works 1793-1810 - General editor Lynda Pratt Chapter 33: Perceptions of Islam in European Writings - By Ahmad Gunny Chapter 34: New Turkes: Dramatizing Islam and the Ottomans in Early Modern England - By Matthew Dimmock Chapter 35: Fables of the East: Selected Tales 1662-1785 - Edited by Ros Ballaster Chapter 36: The Arabian Nights and Orientalism: Perspectives From East and West - Edited by Yamanaka and Tetsuo Nishio Chapter 37: The Sum of All Heresies: The Image of Islam in Western Thought - By Frederick Quinn Chapter 38: The Prophet Muhammad in French and English Literature 1650 to the Present - By Ahmad Gunny Chapter 39: Visions oj the Ottoman World in Renaissance Europe - By Andrei Pippidi Chapter 40: Mythologies of the Prophet Muhammad in Early Modern English Culture - By Matthew Dimmock Chapter 41: Postcolonialism and Islam, Theory, Literature, Culture, Society and Film - Edited by Geoffrey Nash, Kathleen Kerr-Koch and Sarah E. Hackett Chapter 42: Historic Engagements with Occidental Cultures, Religions, Powers - Edited by Anne R. Richards and Iraj Omidvar Chapter 43: Muslims in the Western Imagination - By Sophia Rose Arjana Chapter 44: English Poems on Prophet Mohammad - Edited by Masood Ul Hasan Chapter 45: Islam and Romanticism: Muslim Currents From Goethe to Emerson - By Jeffrey Einboden