Financial Inclusion: An Overview (A Road Map for Inclusive Growth)
Susanta Kumar Sethy
₹556₹585(5% off)
About the Book Financial Inclusion: An Overview summarizes history and roadmap of financial inclusion in India. ‘Financial Inclusion’ is the buzzword of the current era. It has become the most important phrase in the lexicon of economics. It has drawn the attention of a large section of the intelligentsia: scholars, researchers, economists, policymakers, bankers and of course academia. It has generated a keen interest in the development circles too. Policymakers and central bankers from around the world gather in different forums to discuss ‘Financial Inclusion’ and to build a more financially inclusive economic system. The text includes Conceptual Issues and Relevance of Financial Inclusion, Existing Literature on Financial Inclusion, Historical Evolution of Financial Inclusion from perspective of Developed and Developing Countries, Financial Inclusion Scenario of India, Role of Microfinance Institutions and SHGs for Financial Inclusion, Financial Inclusion for Inclusive Growth and Poverty Alleviation, Banking Sector Performance in an Inclusive Financial system in India, Financial Inclusion Index, Computation of Financial Inclusion Index and Present Financial Inclusion Index. The book highlights Major Issues and Challenges and sums up with Policy Recommendations. Across the selected countries studied, various approaches have been adopted to deal with financial exclusion, reflecting the extent of the national debate, the degree of the governments’ commitment to tackle financial exclusion and the financial services market place. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Conceptual Issues and Relevance of Financial Inclusion, Existing Literature on Financial Inclusion, Historical Evolution of Financial Inculusion : Experienced From Developed and Developing Countries, Financial Inclusion Scenerio of India, Role of Microfinance Institution (MFIs) for Financial Inclusion, Banking Sector Performance in an Inclusive Financial System in India, Measuring of Financial Inclusion.