Fish And Fisheries Of India

Fish And Fisheries Of India

Sandhya S. Kadam
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Considering the need of suitable text book which may fulfill the requirement of the students, teachers and researchers I felt to bring this book on “Fish and Fisheries of India”. Having an experience of nearly two decades to teaching fishery science, the present edition of the book on Fish and Fisheries of India will accomplish the long felt need of the students. The effort has been made to keep language easy. The topics have been selected according to the University Syllabi. The target audience of the book is the students, teachers, researchers of disciplines of life sciences (Zoology and Fishery Science). The data and inferences presented in the book have been taken from the various sources. The matter has been explained with the help of finely drawn, simple and well labelled diagrams, where ever necessary, tables and charts have been given for clear understanding of the subject. This book focuses on the various aspects of fish and fisheries of India. The contents have been organized in ‘self-contained’ units for ease of understanding.