Libraries Forever Hardbound

Libraries Forever Hardbound

H S Chopra
836 995 (16% off)
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Book lovers, writers and library professionals are apprehensive because of doomsters forecasts like death knell of libraries, epilogue of library profession and expiration of paper society. History of last five thousand years exhibit there was always acceptance to new formats and configuration in the libraries by the readers, scholars and library professionals. In the present age of incessant Tsunami of information, the libraries and professionals are moving with times and technology. In fact during digital times, libraries are needed more than before. Acceptance of changing format of eresources and working model of libraries signals the slow but confirmed consent to future libraries. No one can stop change. Reading habits of Indian students of schools, colleges and universities have been examined in comparison to some other countries. Role and future of public libraries in different states; and scenario of public libraries in some advanced countries have been discussed. Academic libraries, their present and future, has been comprehensively explained. Advent of e-resources and their acceptance has been mentioned in detail.