Information Landscapes: A Scenario (Dr. PSG Kumar Festschrift)

Information Landscapes: A Scenario (Dr. PSG Kumar Festschrift)

Shalini R Lihitkar
1386 1650 (16% off)
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This festschrift volume honors Dr. PSG Kumar on his 71st Birthday. A festschrift volume committee was formed with Dr. K B Kale University Librarian as Chairman and Dr. Shalini Lihitkar, Asst. Professor, DLIS, RTM Nagpur University as convener; and several of his students, friends, and admirers as members. This volume contains 31 contributions on: automation softwares; consortia; content analysis; content creation; cyber society; database creation; digital libraries; digital repositories; e-resources; e-governance; institutional repositories; knowledge audit; online reference management; TQM; and more. This work covers the very latest trends that are changing the landscape of library and information science.