Gender Themes and Issues: Revised and Enlarged Edition

Gender Themes and Issues: Revised and Enlarged Edition

Jyoti Prasad Saikia
495 550 (10% off)
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Sociology of Gender, in recent times, has emerged as one of the most leading branches of Sociology. The concept of gender developed under the parameters of sociological discourse influences not only the sociologists and other academicians of related social sciences, but also economists, political scientists and even the politicians and policy-makers. The discourse on gender has developed the concept of gender into a perspective which can be used to explore and understand complex social phenomena in a novel and unique way. Thus, study of gender sociology has the potential to play a vital role in creating awareness of social discrimination and uprooting social evils that exist in our society. This is why sociology of gender has received its vitality within the sociological discourse and beyond. In this revised edition the author has made an attempt to include some selected topics related to gender sociology along with their critical theoretical interpretations and also included and have attempted to analyze some of the burning issues of today, particularly in the Indian context such as witch hunting with his own views which he developed through his experiences in both the academic and non-academic fields.