Changing Status of Women in Central Asia: A Comparative Study of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan

Changing Status of Women in Central Asia: A Comparative Study of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan

Mukta Tanwar
516 573 (10% off)
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The present book critically observes the status of women in Central Asia after 1990's. The effects of Soviet legacy in the present context are also analyzed at extent. In contemporary transition period they are facing many problems including revival of religion, new democratic political order, capitalist economic system and traditional social system. These new changes have both negative and positive effects over the lives of women also. A modest attempt has been made to compare the differences in contemporary position of Kazakh and Uzbek women despite of their common USSR legacy and Islamic society. The relevance of this book can be judged both in the context of Islamic and Socialist Feminist theories and practices to understand patriarchal organization in Central Asian states. The streams of Socialist and Islamic Feminism are critically analyzed and further the way it made contribution in women's emancipation. Socialist feminism generally took every step in women emancipation in national interests rather than in women's interest. Though the book broadly deals with the position of women in Central Asia, but at the same time its focus is to study Kazakh and Uzbek women. ,