This book brings together critical articles on all the English works of the brilliant Indian writer Nirad Chaudhuri-from his Autobiography of an Unknown Indian-up to his last work, The East is East and the West is West. Though these chapters are independent in their chronological order, they are interconnected thematically. Nirad Chaudhuri happens to be an important prose writer in the tradition of Indian English prose writers like Jawaharlal Nehru, Sri Aurobindo, Vivekananda, Radhakrishnan and Khushwant Singh.
Nirad Chaudhuri is a critic of modern culture having extensively commented on Indians and the British, their national character, behavior, their love-hate relationship, and their social and political life. He is not merely a journalist, but a solid scholar backed up by his historical scholarship, encyclopedic range of interests and clarity of thought and style. He was a controversial writer who provokes the reader to think afresh on all the important issues of life. The book also highlights the characteristic features of his prose style.
It will be useful for the students and teachers of Indian English Literature, and researchers in the field.