Political Ecology of Deforestation and Tribal Life: A Study of Assam and Nagaland Border Areas

Political Ecology of Deforestation and Tribal Life: A Study of Assam and Nagaland Border Areas

Bhupendra Nath Goswami
1260 1400 (10% off)
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Political ecology of deforestation and the changing mode of tribal societies along with the rising conflicts to approve suzerainty over the deforested land is the prime focus of this book. Assam-Nagaland border areas, characteristically once a sylvan belt with amplitude of forest resources has today been facing crisis for non-availability of livelihood of the forest dwelling tribes in consequence of planned removal of forest cover under the political hegemony of the British colonialist during the pre-Independence period and the policies of the Government of post-Independence period. This aspect is elaborated in this book with a proper appreciation of political ecology. To mitigate the crisis and the endless conflict along the interstate border areas an amicable and sustainable resolution keeping view the conservation of natural resources and restoration of ecological balance is suggested in the book on the principle of Man and Biosphere programme of the UNO. The book will be able to serve the interest of scholars, researchers and students of ecology and environmental studies, particularly those concerned with aspects of political ecology.