Harappan Studies: Recent Researches in South Asian Archaeology Volume II

Harappan Studies: Recent Researches in South Asian Archaeology Volume II

Edited by Manmohan Kumar and Akinori Uesugi
2660 2800 (5% off)
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"The present volume, the second in the series on Harappan Studies, incorporates twelve papers on various aspects of Harappan archaeology and allied fields. These papers range from Mesolithic to the historical periods based on archaeological excavations and explorations. The emphasis has not only been on the interpretation of new discoveries but also on the reinterpretation of the already known findings. The papers cover a wide spectrum, from monsoon and urbanisation in India to Harappan silver ornaments from Kunal; and from the obsequies archaeology of the Harappans at Rakhigarhi to the evidence from Balathal demonstrating Harappan impact on the chalcolithic cultures of Central India. No less interesting is the re-analysis of the ceramics from Padri in Gujarat. In order to understand the historical significance of Harappan studies, a wider perspective, both in space and time is required. Thus, in addition to Harappan culture, the volume also incorporates contributions on related contemporary cultures which were either influenced or had an impact on the Harappans. The contributors of the volume include a wide range of international and national experts as also young and budding scholars. The volume would be a useful reference for students and scholars of South Asian archaeology.."