Glimpses of India: Stone 5000 Years Ago--A Story of Our Rich Cultural Heritage

Glimpses of India: Stone 5000 Years Ago--A Story of Our Rich Cultural Heritage

Rajesh Lal
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"This book is about the history and culture of India 5000 years ago. It aims at reaching out to the common man, from young students to grown-ups, who are not aware of the various discoveries brought forth through excavations since Independence. To illustrate the point, students from 1950s onwards have not been taught about the discoveries in the field of archaeology and associated sciences, which have disproved the theory of Aryan Invasion. Therefore, they still say that the Aryans invaded India. As a corollary, they are learning that the Aryans threw out the Dravidians who, according to the Britishers, inhabited the Indus valley till the Aryans came. They still talk about it being the ‘Indus Valley Civilization’ despite the fact the ‘centre of gravity’ of this civilization was the Sarasvati valley. The fault lies in our teaching system; reluctance to update the school books and books at university level which continue to ‘parrot’ the thinking of 1950s. The authorities that be need to accept the mass of professional papers, books and evidences of archaeology, anthropology, geology, archaeo-botany, etc. to set right our history which has been much maligned by the colonial rulers and their proteges that have ruled the Indian teaching systems. Section I of the book deals extensively with the richness of the Indus-Sarasvati Civilization: its origin, growth and maturity, its town-planning, trade and commerce, artistic creations, etc. Section II exposes the mind-set of the colonial rulers and their agenda to demean Indian civilization. Each one of their theories has been struck down, not in the least by Indian archaeologists but also by professionals all over the world. This Section demonstrates in clear terms that the Vedic people were neither ‘invaders’ nor ‘immigrants’ but indigenous and they themselves were the authors of the Indus-Sarasvati Civilization. "