Contemporary India and Education (Hardbound)

Contemporary India and Education (Hardbound)

Noushad Husain
1350 1500 (10% off)
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Education is not merely pedagogy i.e. science of teaching but much more than that as it is influenced by many historical, cultural, economic, political and sociological factors in every country. So, teachers need to understand the inter-relationship between education and these factors. The teachers are also required to understand the role of education as an intervention tool for desired changes in the country and also to appreciate the influence of social set-up on education in which it operates. This book should serve the educational purposes of students, teachers, teacher educators, student-teachers, parents etc. for developing a better understanding about the different concepts related to contemporary India and education. It offers a site for prospective teachers and researchers to engage with studies on Indian society and education, acquire conceptual tools of sociological analysis, and hands on experience of engaging with diverse communities, children and schools.