Education in Colonial and Post-Colonial Malabar (1920-2006) Hardcover
Dr K S Mathew and Dr Joshy Mathew
₹375₹375(0% off)
Kerala is unique in its achievement in education in the last century. This book elaborates how educationally backward Malabar region of North Kerala attained high progress in school, college and professional education in Malabar. Through this work an attempt is made to explore the educational development of Malabar in colonial and postcolonial Malabar. The study focuses the role of the government and private social and religious agencies for the accomplishment of such a great level of educational development in this remote region. While discussing the educational progress, it provides emphasis on agrarian migration to Malabar in the second half of twentieth century for the general and higher education development of Malabar. This study will be a timely and valuable reference material for researchers, educationists, educational planners and administrators in India. The experience of Malabar is a pointer to the fact that educational progress can be achieved by the combined effort of government and private agencies with the active public involvement.,