Advanced Criminology or The WHY of Crimes

Advanced Criminology or The WHY of Crimes

James Vadackumchery
705 750 (6% off)
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Push-Pull-Ego Factor Theory of Crime Causation my Eureka is fully and elaborately exposed in this book. Heredity interacts with environments to form the Personality (Ego). The Animality, Spirituality, Morality/Ethics and Intelligence form the Push Factors which along with the Ego interact with the environment, otherwise known as the Pull Factors. As a result, a crime comes into being and the Ego Factor formed out of the interactions between the Push and Pull Factors are etiologicaly connected or related to crimes. This is not a theory of causality, rather is a theory of Crime Causation. An individual commits or desists from committing a crime depending upon the ego state from which he interacts or transacts. Crimes can never be eliminated in society. They can be reduced, nevertheless the energy behind the commission of a crime is not destroyed, but is converted to another energy. This is called the Quota Theory of Crime. Anyone interested to study the causation of crimes will find the book extremely useful, enlightening and educative. Crimes are reduced only by an Ego Factor uprightly formed in the right direction.