Direct Social Work Practice: Theory and Skills (Indian Edition)

Direct Social Work Practice: Theory and Skills (Indian Edition)

Dean H. Hepworth, Ronald H. Rooney, Glenda Dewberry Rooney and Kimberly Strom-Gottfried
1421 1495 (5% off)
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The book has four parts. Part 1 introduces the reader to the social work profession and direct practice and provides an overview of the helping process, including core competencies, the role of evidence-based practice, the domains and roles of social work, and the elements of ethical practice. Part 2 presents the beginning phase of the helping process and each chapter includes examples from the videotapes developed for the text. It addresses relationship-building skills, strategies for providing direction and focus in interviews, and avoiding common communication errors. Subsequent chapters in this section address problem and strengths explorations; theories and techniques for individual, family, and group assessment; and the processes for goal setting. Part 3 presents the middle, or goal attainment, phase of the helping process. It describes change-oriented strategies, including updated material on task-centered, crises intervention, cognitive restructuring, solution-focused approaches to practice and case management, large-systems change, advocacy, family practice, and groupwork. Readers learn advanced communication and intervention techniques and common worker and client barriers to change. Part 4 deals with the final phase of the helping process incorporating materials on evaluating and terminating social work relationships in an array of circumstances.