Climate Resilient Sustainable Agriculture And Animal Production
Edited by Dhirendra Kumar, Dibyendu Chakraborty, Biswajit Brahma, G.K. Rai and Vibha Raj Shanti
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Sustainable agriculture has been practiced for many decades for management and conservation of natural resources and the technological interventions in such a manner as to ensure the attainment and continued satisfaction of human needs for present and future generations. In livestock production, sustainability can mean being able to harvest the same quantity of milk, meat, wool, egg or fiber from a given land base indefinitely. Sustainable development in the livestock industry must meet the demands of the world's growing population for safe and secure food derived from animals reared under increasingly stringent conditions while protecting the environment. The livestock industry has the challenge of producing sufficient food to satisfy the increasing consumption demands of the growing human population while at the same time reducing total greenhouse gas emissions to protect the environment. In developing countries like India more efficient use of the land, water, plant and animal genetic potential, as well as the fisheries and forestry resources should be practiced by smallholder and landless farmers for increased output to meet future food demand. The present publication comprises of articles from recent approaches both in agriculture and animal sciences contributed by learned professionals.