Farmers and Scientific Fish Culture

Farmers and Scientific Fish Culture

Edited by Biswajit Goswami, Swapan Behari Mukhopadhyay and Shyam Sunder Dana
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The book is primarily meant for post graduate and Ph.D. studies in extension education, and is intended to serve as a resource book in Extension Education, Fishery, Agriculture, Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Home Science, etc. in the Universities, Colleges and Institutes. It shall also serve as a hand book in the relevant Government Department, Banks, Research Institute, Krishi Vigyan Kendra and NGOs, in respect of their extension work. Teachers, students, research workers, extension agents and administrators shall find the book very useful. The book presents the behavioural changes in terms of social, economic, technological and psychological correlates of the fish farmers. The study concerning the attitude and adoption behaviour of the fish farmers towards scientific fish culture is likely to provide valuable information in developing suitable strategies for implementing future fishery extension programme more effectively. The book is expected to generate a data base about the existing practices being followed by the fish farmers of West Bengal in the field of fish culture. The study would in all probability help fishery extension workers by furnishing effective guidance to overcome the negative attitude of fish farmers towards scientific fish culture.The book involves an identification of the constraints experienced by the fish farmers towards scientific fish culture.