Why the Sister in Black Works Hardest: African-American as Labour in the Novels of Toni Morrison, Alice Walker and Gloria Naylor

Why the Sister in Black Works Hardest: African-American as Labour in the Novels of Toni Morrison, Alice Walker and Gloria Naylor

Madhumita Purkayastha
1023 1295 (21% off)
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The book is a comprehensive and critical analysis of selected novels of Toni Morrison, Alice Walker and Gloria Naylor and attempts to examine the “Labor of Love, Labor of Sorrow” of the African-American women in America, who have been treated as “The Mules of the World”. The book foregrounds palimpsests in history and imaging or representations in literary and cultural texts to highlight the unique and ground-breaking implications of relocating the dilemma of the African-American Diaspora in the context of their labor roles. Crosscutting issues of race, class and gender are engaged with and myths revisited to be debunked through perceptive readings of the novels of the aforesaid writers. The book encapsulates the academic intent and endeavor of its author to unfold further critical dimensions and possibilities of literary re-readings for present researchers in so far as it offers a deep critical comprehension of intersecting issues of ethnicity, identity, self-identification and literary representations in the tangled web of existential experience of the African-American Diaspora.