CROUCHING Tigers, DRUNKEN Bears & other facts from Wild India

CROUCHING Tigers, DRUNKEN Bears & other facts from Wild India

Text and Photographs by Pinaki Sen
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CONTENTS: Introduction, Man-eaters by default, White Tigers of Rewa, Drunken Bears, The spotted beauty-Indian Leopard, The strategic hunters-Asiatic Lions, The killer Wolves of Uttarpradesh, Death of a species-Asiatic Cheetah, Call of the Pheeow, A Perfect democracy-Indian Wild Dogs, Carriers of the witches, The Croc who hunted women, Friends forever-Spotted Deer and Hanuman Langurs, Blackbuck and the Bishnois, The floating islands and the Dancing Deer, Scent of the Deer, Sore spot of the Sambar, Wandering Donkeys of the west-Indian Wild Ass, The last Gibbon of Lido, Toilet of the Rhinocerous, Life of Pachyderms, Crows-the cleverest of all, Harikiri of the Birds at Jotinga, Koel-brood parasitism, Love story of the Sarus Crane, Nesting of the Great Indian Hornbill, Mimicry artist-Racket-tailed Drongo, Tailor Bird, Birds that weave, Toothpick of the Tiger, Waterbottle of the Sandgrouse, Migration of Birds, A violent love story, All for the queen, Smelling by tongue-Water Monitors, Cows that Ants keep, Dung Beetle, Harem of the Flying Fox, Penis fencing of Flatworms, The erotic Snakes, Rock Pythons had legs, Masturbating Squirrels, Self-anointing Hedgehogs, Exodus of the Butterflies, The globe troting Globe Skimmers, Mysterious life of Termites, Ants that build nests on trees, Dolphins and the fishermen, Queuing theory of Hermit Crabs, Preying by hyponosis, Cuttlefish-the split personality, Fish that is more poisonous than cyanide, Fish that never dies, When male Sea Horses become pregnant, Sponges-the first living animal, Fish that walks on land, Octopus-the eight legged genious, Ghost lights of kutch, Basket of the devil, Lichens-two lives in one, Touch-me-not-the shy plant, The big questions, References.