A Text Book of Padartha Vijnaana evam Ayurveda Itihasa: Philosophy and History of Ayurveda (Updated Text as per New Syllabus)

A Text Book of Padartha Vijnaana evam Ayurveda Itihasa: Philosophy and History of Ayurveda (Updated Text as per New Syllabus)

Dr Shubha M and Dr Ravi Rao
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Contents: I. 1. Ayurveda Nirupana. 2. Ayurveda Darshana Nirupana. 3. Dravya Vigyaniyam. 4. Guna Vigyaniyam. 5. Karma Vigyaniyam. 6. Samanya Vigyaniyam. 7. Vishesha Vigyaniyam. 8. Samavaya Vigyaniyam. 9. Abhava Vigyaniyam. II. 1. Pariksha. 2. Aptopadesha Pariksha/Pramana. 3. Pratyaksha Pariksha/Pramana. 4. Anumana Pariksha/Pramana. 5. Yukti Pariksha/Pramana. 6. Upamana Pramana. 7. Karya-Kaarana Siddhanta. III. 1. Introduction to Ayurveda Itihasa. 2. Introduction to the authors of classical texts during Samhita Kaala. 3. Globalisation of Ayurveda. 4. Development activities in Ayurveda in the post Independence period. 5. Establishment of different committees. 6.Introduction and activities of few organizations. 7. Introduction to the national institutions. 8. Drug and cosmetic act. 9. Introduction to national and international popular journals of Ayurveda. 10. Introduction to activities of WHO in the promotion of Ayurveda. Bibliography.