Connected or Disconnected: The Art of Operating in a Connected World

Connected or Disconnected: The Art of Operating in a Connected World

Micke Darmell and Kapil Rampal
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The promise of a connected world… Democratization, strengthened personal relationships, and all the knowledge in the world available at your fingertips, more or less for free. And all this regardless of whether you are in India, China, Chile, or Chad. Indeed, the connected world has changed the premise of what it means to be human, and it will continue to impact lives at a rapidly growing pace in the years to come, both on a personal and professional level. Many organizations take advantage of the “anytime, anywhere office” without accepting responsibility for the flip side. On an individual level we have accepted the promise of the connected world and headed into this new way of living without reflecting and acting upon its ramifications. This book will advise you on how to handle the challenges constant connectedness poses to our wellbeing—sleeping patterns, close relations, work-life balance, and parenting. It does not discuss whether this is a threat or an opportunity for us, because it is both. What we really need to start discussing is how to handle the new challenges that constant connection brings and when to step out of it in order to tend to our wellbeing. The book concludes that while accepting that we live in a constantly connected world, we at times need to disconnect to reconnect with the world.