Arab Contribution to Botany and Agriculture

Arab Contribution to Botany and Agriculture

Dr. Rohma Anwer
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Lands under Arab control from the 7th Century changed the landscapes and their contribution in the fields of irrigation, farming techniques, works in botany, new plants and crops can not be denied. CONTENTS Chapter-I : Qur'anic Inspiration for the Study of Plant Life Origin of Plant Life Growing of New Life from the Earlier Existing Plant Diverse Plants Mentioned in the Qur'an Role Played by Rain Water in the Growth of Vegetable Kingdom Utility and Benefits of Plants God's Bounties Towards Humankind and his Urge for piety and Moderation Role Played by Plants in Maintaining Ecological balance:A Qur'anic Appraisal Chapter-II : Plants Mentioned in the Qur'an Acacia or Banana Cucumber Date-palm Dhari Fig Garlic Ginger Gourd Grapes Henna or Camphor Lentils Manna Mustard Olive Onion Pomegranate Sidrah or Lote-Tree Sweet Basil Tamarisk Toothbrush Tree Tuba Zaqqum ​ Chapter-III : Contribution made by Philologists and Lexicographers Chapter-IV : Translation Works from Foreign Languages into Arabic Some Botanical works of foreign Languages Translated into Arabic A Brief life sketch of the translators and their works ​ Chapter-V : Eminent Arab Muslim Botanists and their works Abu Hanifah Dinawari Ibn al-Baytar Al-Biruni Remaining Important Botanists Chapter-VI : Eminent Arab Muslim Agricultural Scientists and their works Ibn al-Wahshiyah Ibn al-awwam Other Agriculturists Bibliography Index