Understanding of Clinical Microbiology

Understanding of Clinical Microbiology

H.P. Pandya
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Contents: The major emphasis relies on the basic subject. The chapter are classified as General Microbiology, Immunology, Systemic Bacteriology, Parasitology and Virology and Tips to Microbiologists. The presentation of every chapter is like a students attends a class. The point wise presentation will make the things easy to remember. Unnecessary ornamental discussion is omitted. Short and effective sentences will make it more understandable. Recent advances are included in every chapter. There is addition of information in most of the chapters in such a way that one can use it in the form of essay, full questions or short notes. The point wise discussion in reference to various aspects will definitely help in oral examinations and interviews. The chapter like Sample Processing in Microbiology, Molecular Microbiology, Antimicrobial agents and testing, Antibody, Enteric Pathogens and Food Poisoning, Opportunistic Parasitic Infections, Immunity to Viral Infections, Leptospira, HIV, Mycology and Mycobacterium are modified specifically to increase the recent knowledge of the subject. At last a chapter is included which provides 'Tips to Microbiologists' and includes information for understanding students how to prepare and appear for Microbiology examinations, what are different fields and opportunities of Clinical Microbiology for brilliant and prosperous future. The book is not only for UGs and PGs of Medical Microbiology students but very useful for the paramedical students of allied branches, students of science faculty with Microbiology, Animal Husbandry, Dentistry, Nursing courses, Dairy technology and training courses for field work in diagnostic and research in Microbiology. In case of utilization of the book for professionals like pharmaceutical industries, food and drug products, quality control and hospital infection control activities and accredition activities; it definitely through light on various points of the subjects. The material present in each chapter with help the students to gain clear understanding of the subject. Our understanding of Clinical Microbiology is expanding with new discoveries in every of health and medicine. Diagnostic Microbiology subject one must be competent and look and think clearly to the subject. Once the clarity about the subject appears in the mind, it will be very easy to cope up with different types of every aspect of clinical Microbiology, once clear; your path to success will be without hurdles. Utilization of this book will make the things much easier to understand and apply the subject